The Dog Days Are(n’t) Over

Or are they?

It’s not going to come as a shock to anyone that I’m not a summer time girly. I simply *cannot* stop myself from griping when I step out into 86 degree heat and a million percent humidity. I won’t stand for it any longer!

Happy Fall everyone. I’ve decided it’s fall, and I’m freeing us from these shackles.

Now that it’s my favorite season, I figured I would share today’s weather appropriate fit – remember when blogs were used for musings and inspo and not just as a sales tool? We’re throwing it back there today.

I’ve loved a navy as late, but I don’t own much of the color. I knew I needed to find a navy top when I stumbled upon these vintage navy and gingham trousers. The navy in the pattern is dark enough that I can definitely do a black with it as well, but I wanted to match it more exactly.

I wound up finding the button down at Banana Republic Factory (because Factory only because I am far too thrifty for regular Banana Repulic!). I love that BRF has a petites line and basically everything is on sale always.

I am pretty sure the main reason I’ve avoided navy in the past is I’ve found it hard to match with a shoe – but I have great news. I am 30 now and care far less if anyone has a problem with my shoe choices! Also I have decided brown matches anything so brown it is. I’ve had these Madewell loafers since 2018 and they’ve held up wonderfully. They also click when I walk, which is a huge bonus.

The plethora of grey hairs which can now be found on my head is definitely newer to my aesthetic than the loafers, but is something I’m embracing wholeheartedly. Isn’t it amazing to witness a mark of aging in real time? I knew I’d grey “early” since my dad did, but once I started to notice it about myself, I started noticing it elsewhere too. When women don’t dye their hair, it’s grey a lot earlier than “old age”. It’s been nice to realize I can’t possibly be greying early; I’m greying right on time. No one’s ever been me before, so surely I must know how to do it correctly.

Are these the greynty days? Sorry, I literally couldn’t help it.

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